My Story...

Since a very young age I have been sensitive to trauma and its victims. I did not know that it was called PTSD. My father acquired this from WW ll from landing on the shores of Okinawa (Operation Iceberg) in what was to become the greatest loss of life in the entire war. However, I became a victim myself from the rage and mood swings and alcohol abuse. He eventually died by his own hand. I myself carry the scars of a blind eye from “severe trauma in the womb”, in other words attempted abortion. Because of my understanding empathy I now can help with others enduring the effects of similar situations. I practice hypnotherapy and Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). I will try and offer some peace immediately and optimism for your future. Sessions are typically 1-1/2 hrs the first time with each successive appointment 45 min. to an hour. Areas of concern include trauma (including childhood, military, law enforcement, bullying) over-eating, smoking, nail biting, bad habits and unwanted behaviors of all kinds.

Appointments can be in person or zoom/face time whatever you are more comfortable with.

Bravery, honesty and commitment are needed on your part. Just by reading this you show that you are open to the idea of positive change. Hypnotism is not controlling someone. Far from it. It is an extremely relaxed state in which I work with you to guide your “Imaginations to Reality”, or said another way, helping you become “Who you are capable of becoming”. Usually, but not always, it takes more than one session to see and accomplish your goals.


Pre-Surgery Anxiety

Stage Fright
Chemo Therapy Side Effects

All Types of Trauma
Weight Loss
Bad Habits and Behavior
Or you just need someone to talk to..


The cost of success is broken down into simple packages. If we were working with one session at a time the cost is $120.00 per appointment. It is recommended we use a block of sessions. #3,#6,#9 respectively.

$330.00 for a package of 3. ($110.00 each)
$600.00 for a package of 6. ($100.00 each)
$810.00 for a package of 9. ($90.00 each)

* Unfortunately insurance does not cover hypnotherapy.

My purpose is for self-help, not mental or medical issues or diagnosis.
At no time will I attempt to provide mental or medical therapy.

© 2024 Hank Taylor